Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Who Is Afraid Of God

Most of those who call themselves believers, profess that they are afraid of God. What does this mean? Let us talk more about this. Are they really afraid of God? Are they afraid of God as much as they are afraid of their friends and others while doing something wrong? For example, a colleague of yours has to rush out and has left the mail box open. You are very curious to take a look at it. If no one is around, will you be still afraid thinking that at least God is watching? Please think about this.

The truth is that we are afraid of real people and not God. Except very few of us, most of us don't always remember the presence of God at all the places and during all the times. Take a marriage conducted alone in a temple by a couple. Who was the witness? God. But if one of the partner denies that marriage, or decides to keep the marriage a secret, can anything be done by the other partner? Nothing. Except praying to God, who was the witness, the other partner can do nothing. Because no human being was the witness. Was the partner who denied or chose to keep total secrecy and lied about the marriage to society afraid of God? No
The right way of living is to remember the presence of God at all the place and during all the times. The right way to live is to be afraid of God, and no human being.

Source : Internet (readbud)

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